i feel like my blog has been all work and no play lately. boring, boring, boring.
i was recently tagged over at
punkin' pie productions to list 6 weird things about myself that you may not know. i've been thinking, and thinking. i can't come up with anything good. i think i'm pretty normal and boring, so i decided to just do 6 things about myself that you may not know. (maybe you'll think their weird) in no particular order....
1. i am a complete control freak. really, really bad control freak. i can't trust anyone to do anything at anytime, so i end up doing everything myself....often times leading to major work overload.
2. i hate, i mean despise, green peppers. i like jalapenos and other types of peppers, but bell peppers disgust me.
3. i don't drink coffee. i think i'm one of the only people left on the face of the planet that doesn't drink coffee. in fact, the smell of it makes me sick.
4. i was a major tomboy growing up. (still kinda am) we grew up in the country, so we only really had 1 neighbor, and he was a boy. so i had my brother and one boy neighbor....and they weren't playing barbies.
5. although i don't generally like tomatoes, i love cubes of them piled high on bruschetta.
6. i was married outside at an art gallery, in a garden, by a judge. (much to the dismay of my catholic family)
there you have it. 6 things about me that you hopefully didn't already know.