Friday, February 02, 2007

the people who write fortunes . . .

on new year's day, the hubby, the little dude, and i went to our local chinese restaurant for lunch. at the end of the meal, we received our standard fortune cookies. after opening them and comparing, the hubby and i gave each other one of those looks.

here's why:

of course i saved them for good luck. exactly 7 days later i got that positive result on my home pregnancy test!

i think the people who wrote those fortunes need a raise!


i *heart* paper said...

Ok, but did you get one with the meaning of "bodert"???

Leslie said...

Hee! That's too perfect!

One of my fortunes said something along the lines of, "You need to rethink your exercise regime."

Yeah! This was right after eating a plate full of orange chicken. . .

Anonymous said...

amazing, isn't it?

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