Tuesday, March 10, 2009

scheduled posts

i've been a really horrible blogger lately, only posting photo's of the day. this is going to change. i'm going to try to stick to a schedule of themed posts. here's my plan:

monday: marzipan monday - i'll talk about what i'm doing business-wise, feature some of my designs, etc.

tuesday: things i want - i find so many things that i love and want (mostly from etsy), so i'm going to start sharing them with you!

wednesday: that's what he said! - a feature that i've done in the past, but need to do on a more regular basis. i have a ton of back-log on these that need to be shared!

thursday: thrifty finds - we've been trying to go thrift-ing as a family on saturday mornings when we don't have other plans. i'll share some of my finds with you here. 

friday: family fridays - pretty self explanatory. this could be anything from a project we've done, a trip we took, pictures of the boys, etc.

i can't promise that i'll never miss a day, but hopefully having a map of what i want to do, and writing it down for all to see, will help encourage me to be better about it.

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