Thursday, February 07, 2008

take a guess

if you had to guess what the following photos illustrated, what would you say?

young boy visits zoo and learns to roar like a lion? nope.
young boy likes to show off his tonsils? nope.
young boy screams at the top of his lungs for fun? nope.

these are in fact pictures of our young boy showing of his bright sparkly teeth! now most kids would give a big (closed mouth) smile to show them off. not this kid. he likes to give you the "bigger picture"!

the little dude had his first trip to the dentist today and did a superb job! he sat and watched mommy get her teeth cleaned first and then hopped right up in that chair for his turn. they were even able to get x-rays which they said they typically don't even try with 3 year olds! he was such a good boy and i'm so proud of him. he was a good little helper with the hygenist and got to suction the water from mommy's mouth! he thought that was the coolest thing ever! he had no cavities and got a special glider plane as a treat. (as well as the goodie bag he's holding full of fun dental stuff like a new toothbrush, floss, & toothpaste)

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