it may be a little late to order your father's day cards online, but how about downloading your very own customizable card right here, right now!

i've designed a downloadable father's day card for you that allows you to customize the text to say anything you'd like! here's the front!

and here's what the whole thing looks like when laid flat.
all you need to do is go to this link and click on "download". (you'll have to sign up for a free account if you don't already have one) open up your file in adobe acrobat reader (which is free if you don't have it), and click on the text to edit it. type in anything you'd like and then print it off on your home printer! cut it out, fold it in half and you're all set!
Sweet! What a great design.
adorable !... je cherche des freebies sur le Net pour les partager, pour l'instant sur Pinterest (où j'ai déjà plus de 14000 liens vers des téléchargements gratuits), en attendant l'ouverture de mon propre site, et je vais vite poster le lien pour que tout le monde puisse télécharger et utiliser votre jolie création !... merci pour le partage, Is... j'ai créé un lien ici : http://pinterest.com/lemondedis/i-heart-dad-freebies/
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