Wednesday, June 23, 2010

that's what he said wednesday :: a new pen pal


this week's "that's what he said" is more of a "that's what he's doing." (if you can't live without a "that's what he said wednesday" post, stick with me until the end....i'll add a little something there)

a good paper friend of mine who also has little boys suggested that our oldest boys become pen pals. via our conversations on facebook and e-mail they sure seem like they have a lot in common, so we thought they'd enjoy writing to each other.

little dude's first letter to his pen pal

the little dude sent out his first letter yesterday. (to protect their identities, parts of the addresses/names have been removed) he sent it off in a big manila envelope full of things that he picked out for his new pal A.

little dude's first letter to his pen pal

he started off by writing a letter and introducing himself. since he's still so young, i wrote out a majority of the letter for him and just let him add in the major information. he finished it off with a smiley face made from ribbon and yarn. (he currently has a major obsession and you can find smiley faces just about everywhere on his artwork)

little dude's first letter to his pen pal

then, he picked out some stickers from his collection to send along as well. (unfortunately for little A., they're all halloween stickers.) sorry A.! he also wanted to send A. a paper airplane. i attempted to make one that wasn't up to code, so we had to wait for daddy to get home to make it "better". lastly, he drew a picture of him and A. sitting at tables in their separate homes drawing pictures for each other.

i'm really excited about this and so is the little dude. hopefully this can be the beginning of an ongoing friendship.


and for those of you who are dying for a typical "that's what he said wednesday post", here's a little something i posted on facebook that got a few good laughs:

the other day, the little dude and the baby were eating lunch together. as they were eating i overheard the little dude explaining the life cycle of a grape to the baby. "see, grapes can do two things. they can either turn into grape jelly, or they can turn into raisins."

1 comment:

Heidi said...

What a cute idea! I love seeing his little handwriting on there. And "yay!" to smiley faces. :)

I recently did a fill in the blank 5 siblings and I got together for what we called "the last after school adventure" (my littlest sister is graduating high school and we used to all go on adventures after school on fridays for pretty much their whole lives).

I did a fill-in-the-blank "Letter to My Future Self". We all filled them out and then read them out loud to each other. Then they got sealed in envelopes addressed to each person ( like "Future Heidi") and stamped "Do Not Open until 06/12/2015!

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