with 2008 out the door and 2009 pushing it's way in, it's time for me to sit down and reflect on 2008 and plan for 2009.
we'll start with what i did in 2008:
sent the little dude off to pre-school for the second semester of the 2007-2008 school year
hired a part-time in-home nanny
worked on a ton of projects for st. jude
got a pet
took the little dude to the dentist for his first visit
opened an etsy shop that i've since neglected (but hope to add to in 2009)
did a few small projects around the house
took a trip to minneapolis
planted a small garden with the little dude
lost my 1st nanny due to a move out of state
took a trip to new york for the national stationery show
watched my little dude graduate from his first year of pre-school
got braces
bought a business
licensed a few of my designs
signed on with a distributor in canada to sell my products
sent out the biggest order in marzipan inc. history
took the little dude to swimming lessons for the first time
launched my new business
re-designed my marzipan inc. website
watched the baby turn 1
fixed up a desk for my office
sent the little dude off to his first official year of pre-school at the JMKAC
got a new camera for my birthday
started my photo of the day posts
took a trip to chicago (and the renegade craft fair)
went on many field trips with the little dude
got some new glasses
started a facebook page for marzipan inc.
got brave with my wardrobe
preserved a piece of the little dude's artwork
joined twitter
took a trip to minnesota to see one of my best friends get married
got a new baby
and another
took a transformer and a shy dragon trick-or-treating
added another thing to my to-do list
watched as the world elected an amazing new president
got some new windows in the house
started using flickr
watched as the little dude turned 4
got snowed in way too much!
got a new haircut i'm not too fond of
had my 500th post on this-here blog
had a merry christmas
i'm sure there's a lot i'm missing, but that's about all i can handle right now. i'm happy with how 2008 went, but i'm super stoked to see what 2009 holds. i have lots of plans for the business(es) and hope they come to fruition. my list of plans for 2009 coming soon!